knowledge should be shared

I am incredibly passionate about what I do. Whether I’m pushing cameras and software to produce the highest image quality imaginable or guiding a drone through a particularly challenging flight, I am fortunate enough to do what I love for a living.

Passion like that is infectious and I want others to share in it. I want others to have the same enjoyment of their photographic tools as I have. I want people to look at their drones and know they’re getting everything out of them they possibly can.

My way of doing that is to offer something that few DSPs will: a way for people to share in my knowledge.

My drone flight instruction sessions are designed to help new drone owners get the baseline of knowledge they need quickly so they can move past basics and into getting the shots they actually want. All sessions are one-on-one and you’ll learn using your own aircraft.

My drone instruction also covers safety, regulation, and responsible use of the airspace. Rules and regulations for drone flight (even for recreational operators) are becoming more rigid. I believe that the more people we have in the air that are flying responsibly, the better it is for everyone in our industry as a whole.


$125/hr (one hour minimum)